At Alice's prompting, I decided to start keeping a small notebook where I write some of the funny things Aiden says. Here are some of the best:
Last summer after scraping his ankle: "It's ok, I've got a couple more layers of skin underneath!"
We were on a hike while camping last summer and Aiden suddenly had to use the bathroom so we were heading back to camp. He was running fast, then stopped suddenly and said, "That was close! I almost pooped my pants! No more running, just fast walking."
Mom- "Yeah, that would be embarrassing and smelly."
Aiden- "If I doodied in my pants I would attract flies and it would be uncomfortable."
(ok, it's the attracting flies part and why was he even thinking that that gets me)
The first time I bought Aiden Apple Jacks cereal he asked why the cereal had pimples. He was so grossed out he wouldn't eat them.
Aiden, after being told to go outside if he wants to beat up his brother: "Wait a minute, I have to take my shoes off so it doesn't hurt when I jump on Tyler."
Aiden: Mom, that shirt looks good on you.
Mom: Thanks. You don't think it makes me look chubby?
Aiden: Not any more than you usually do.
I think the best was when he was singing a song he learned in school that day and confused the word nipples for dimples. He came home singing, "She has nipples in her chin like her mother" and told me the story about how his music teacher always wanted nipples when she was a little girl, but could never make them happen to her even when she poked her fingers in her face. Finally I told Aiden I thought he meant dimples and asked if he knew what nipples were. He thought for a minute, then lifted his shirt and yelled, "Oh yeah- these!"
Originally posted 1/12/10
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